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Carpel Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Exploring Chiropractic Solutions


Each year, numerous individuals receive a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), facing symptoms such as tingling, numbness, burning, and pain in the hands and wrists, or even difficulty grasping objects. Carpal tunnel release surgery ranks as one of the most frequently performed procedures in the United States. However, recent findings reveal that nearly half of these surgeries fail to alleviate symptoms. Discover more about this prevalent condition and how chiropractic care can offer relief from CTS symptoms.


Understanding CTS


The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway situated within the wrist. This tunnel serves as a conduit for the median nerve, extending from the spine to the hand. Any swelling within the carpal tunnel can exert pressure on the median nerve, triggering carpal tunnel syndrome. This compression can impede or restrict sensation and movement in parts of the hand. Women are three times more likely to develop CTS than men, with the smaller size of most women's carpal tunnels being a potential contributing factor.


Diagnostic Challenges


CTS cases can be intricate due to the difficulty of pinpointing an exact cause. Research indicates that repetitive motions, such as construction work, factory work, or typing, may contribute to some cases of CTS. Genetic factors may also play a role, as some individuals naturally have smaller carpal tunnels than others.


Additionally, CTS can be challenging to diagnose accurately. Frequently, patients who receive a misdiagnosis are actually suffering from another condition sharing similar symptoms, such as arthritis, subluxations, or cervical spine disc degeneration, which can irritate the median nerve.


Invasive and Aggressive Interventions


Despite diagnostic challenges, invasive treatments like steroid injections and surgery are often the primary considerations for managing this painful condition. This is concerning, as nearly half of surgical CTS treatments fail to provide relief, potentially indicating misdiagnoses, as reported by the Journal of Clinical Engineering.


Chiropractic Care for CTS


We strongly recommend exploring non-invasive treatments as the initial approach if you suspect CTS. While the therapeutic potential of chiropractic care is sometimes overlooked, reputable organizations like the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and the University of Maryland Medical Center acknowledge chiropractic as an alternative CTS treatment.


The median nerve originates in the cervical spine. A chiropractor possesses the expertise to identify any potential spinal vertebrae interference contributing to nerve compression. Chiropractic treatments may encompass gentle manipulation of the wrist, elbow, and cervical spine.


Neglecting CTS treatment can result in permanent damage to the hand or thumb. If you suspect CTS, a prompt consultation with a chiropractor can initiate the healing process and potentially avert unnecessary surgery.


Curious About Chiropractic Care for CTS?


Reach out to our team today to schedule a private consultation.


Our clinic is committed to ensuring that everyone in our community experiences the transformative impact of comprehensive chiropractic care. If you're intrigued by chiropractic care or eager to explore our range of services, call us today!

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